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Emily Naclerio
2 min read
Recommendation - Australian Breastfeeding Association
I would like to start this blog post by saying FED IS BEST, this is in no way me pushing breastfeeding or putting down those that choose...
Emily Naclerio
1 min read
Resources - Paediatric Fact Sheets
Do you google your unwell Childs symptoms before deciding if you should book a doctors appointment? We know we shouldn't but i think we...
Emily Naclerio
2 min read
Resources - Triple P
The three Ps in ‘Triple P’ stand for ‘Positive Parenting Program’. Triple P is designed to help give anyone taking on a parenting role...
Emily Naclerio
1 min read
Child Health Nurse Resources - Sleep and Settling Techniques
Sleep is such an important part of our lives and can become very stressful with babies and young children that aren't great sleepers....
Emily Naclerio
1 min read
Child Health Nurse Resources - Introducing Solids
Introducing Solids to you baby can be an exciting but also nerve racking time. When should you start solids? What should you feed them?...
Emily Naclerio
2 min read
Child Health Nurse Resources- Speech and Language Development
In Richmond we are very lucky to have Tania a Child Health Nurse from Townsville coming to visit once a month. Tania is in town for 2...
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